Health Insurance covering Preconditions
At Bsure we understand Medical Preconditions are a very important consideration when choosing a plan.
We have over 30 years experience dealing with health insurance applications with medical preconditions. Certain companies are better than others at accepting serious medical pre-existing conditions.
Our team at Bsure are experienced and has the knowledge as to which companies are best suited to any prior conditions.

Some of the Conditions we can quote are
- Diabetes (type 1, type 2, and type 4)
- Cancer
- Overweight
- Blood pressure and cholesterol
- Having multiple conditions
- Multiple different types of medications taken
Asthma - Autoimmune diseases
- Arthritis
- Heart conditions of all types
- Digestion issues such as celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, and others
- and many more…
Do health insurers in Spain cover Diabetes?
Whether you have type 1, 2 or 3 diabetes, we have insurers that cover you completely for diabetes and all its consequences and related health conditions.
Covering the diabetes will have a high cost involved; for this reason, we can now source quotes that cover you excluding diabetes.
Previously it was thought that this was not ideal having an exclusion on such as serious condition such as Diabetes, but due to the advancements in treatment this is now not as critical as in the past and having an exclusion on this condition is something to consider due to the lowering of the premium.
Do health insurers in Spain cover Cancer?
Cancer is very rarely covered for re-occurrence. What happens most of the time is that you will gain coverage with an exclusion on this condition. If the cancer is recent, we recently have sourced companies that will quote (with an exclusion on re-occurrence)
Medical reports will be required to assess if you can be accepted. The benefit of Spain only policies is the reduced cost.
There is now a high demand for health cover in order to gain a visa and residency applications in Spain. Including non lucrative visa and digital nomad visas with the policy being provided by a Spanish insurer. In this case we can recommend the process and approach companies for you.
What is considered a medical precondition or pre-existing condition?
A pre condition is any health issues you have sought medical advice for in the past. Usually there has been an operation or you take medication, in some cases however you may or may not need to disclose the condition. Our advice is to talk to your broker or agent as to what you should disclose. A specialist in health insurance policies will have the experience to discuss all aspects of this with you.
If you do not disclose a serious medical condition that you have prior to taking the policy out, then the policy will likely be made void. You will want to avoid this happening to you at all costs, so it is important to understand what should be disclosed.
Cover for serious preconditions may include
- Accepting your medical conditions with or without a surcharge
- Accepting you on the policy with an exclusion for the pre-existing condition
- A moratorium period whereby if you are symptom and medication free for any health condition after a certain period after the policy is started, then coverage for that condition is fully covered.
Coverage if you take medication for multiple conditions.
When you reach a certain age, taking multiple medications can be necessary. In other cases, you may be under 50 years old and require multiple medication.
Most often it will be the case that the medication is for prevention. A good example is medication taken for blood pressure and cholesterol. Where this becomes slightly more complicated is where a third and fourth medication is taken for other health issues. Some companies in this case will not quote if you have over 3 health conditions. A broker will be in a position to best advise which company to process your policy if this is the case for you.