Alzheimers when night approaches
Night is the time where People with Alzheimers can escape their daily struggles. The low light and having the mind relax enables them to get away from their memory loss.
However upon awaking they have to face the cold light of day with a lack of memory, understanding and in worst case scenarios not knowing who they are.
During day
If the person awakens, discourage staying in bed while awake; use the bed only for sleep.
It is important that the sufferer does not sleep during day and keeps active so their sleep cycle is not affected. Physical activity is a good idea during the day to keep active and also this strengthens their body and joints. It is recommended that four hours before sleep that physical activity is stopped.
Alzheimers At night
A nightly bath is better advised than in the morning as it will relax the person. As well as this music in the evening will also ease their stress levels.
Giving physical contact such as a stoke of their hand before they sleep will also give the individual a sense they are not alone and they are cared for.
The most important aspect of the nightly routine is having a familiar procedure. This will enable and prepare their body and mind for going to sleep at the end of the day.
Lastly make sure the bedroom temperature is comfortable.
Thoughts on medication

Sleeping medication although at times must be used. If used in the long-term it will lose its affect and will usually result in the individual having falls during the day causing injury.
Experts estimate that in late stages of Alzheimer’s, individuals spend about 40 percent of their time in bed at night awake and a significant part of their daytime sleeping. In extreme cases, people may have a complete reversal of the usual daytime wakefulness-nighttime sleep pattern. Therefore the above means anything to stop this will make for a better life for the sufferer and easier workload for the carer.