What to look for when choosing your health insurance company for your Family Health plan.
Most companies give great discounts on group policies. Discounts usually start from 3 people on the policy.
One or two adults and one or more children are included on family policies. If you have more members then the discount does increase.
Including other family members such as parents on your policy is usually not recommended. Their age and higher likelihood of using the policy means it is sensible that they have their own separate policy.
What is Family Health Insurance?
A family health insurance plan is an Insurance policy covering all family members. One premiums is paid and discounts applied, the size of the discount will depend on the size of the family.
For example a Family of 4 will gain a 15% discount and Family of 6 members up to 25% discount

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We know which companies offer the best Family discounts!
Some companies are more generous with discounts than others. At Bsure we know all the best companies to quote for that include discounts.
Level of cover
The level of coverage we recommend is unlimited hospitalisation in Spain. This is usually offered by all insurers but there are a few companies that limit days of hospitalisation per year. This type of policy the limits on days should be avoided.
Wait times
The usual waiting time until you can use the policy for non emergencies is 6 months. Consultations will be covered from day 1 and emergencies will also have cover from day 1 but any tests you will have to wait 6 months.
We can provide options for you with no wait times but the premium will be slightly higher. Also if you are Switching from one company to another then wait times will be eliminated.
Lastly even if you do not have waiting times on your policy we always recommend waiting the first 6 months until you go for blood tests and x-rays. The reason we recommend this is the insurance company always calls this period the "grey area". It is called the grey area as it can be argued that anything found out in this period can be considered a pre condition.
Therefore, after 6 months you will be 100% covered and so waiting that time will avoid any unnecessary issues.
What are the downsides of adding parents to the family plan?
This a common question and the health of your parents is the key factor.
Therefore, there question will be- will the discount applied to the policy offset the chance of higher claims?
For instance a young family will have less useage of the policy when compared to parents who may have preconditions and use the policy more.
The usual penaly for high useage is 10% on the next years premium. Therefore if you gain 10% discount for adding your parents it may be worth adding them. It will really just depend on how healthly they are.
The next question is do all policies have penalities for high usage?
Yes all insurers will have a system in place and the rate of the penalty will be explained by your broker. What is considered high usage will usually be the insurer having paid out a lot more than received over the life of the policy.
This means in the long term, as each year passes, you have less chance of getting a penalty. For this reason it is not adviseable to switch companies often. Having a good history with your health insurance provider will benefit you in the longterm.
At Bsure we only offer plans with the best long term pricing for Families
When plans have better pricing for more people on the policy we make sure that this discount is included for the duration of the policy. Some companies offer better pricing at the start of the plan and then the price goes up as the years go by. Our team can advise on which companies work this way.